Netherlands Invest in Air Defense and Artillery

In a significant boost to its national defense capabilities, the Netherlands has confirmed its procurement of Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles Extended Range (AMRAAM-ER). This acquisition marks a strategic enhancement of the country’s air defense systems, ensuring readiness against a broad spectrum of aerial threats.

The Government of the Netherlands has requested the acquisition of 174 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles-Extended Range (AMRAAM-ER) and four AMRAAM-C8 guidance sections. AMRAAM procurement is not the only purchase made by the Netherlands regarding its air defense systems. In early June, the Dutch Ministry of Defense announced that it plans to procure new NASAMS batteries in the near term to enhance its capabilities in terms of short and intermediate air defense.

For the Netherlands, the procurement of AMRAAM-ER missiles signifies a commitment to maintaining a high standard of national security and interoperability with NATO allies. As regional and global security landscapes evolve, having advanced defensive capabilities is crucial. The AMRAAM-ER not only strengthens the Netherlands’ defensive posture but also reinforces its role as a reliable partner within the NATO alliance.

In regards to the land forces, the Netherlands has confirmed the procurement of 15 Mjolner self-propelled mortars scheduled for delivery in 2028. This acquisition is a part of the Dutch Ministry of Defence’s broader efforts to upgrade its artillery units under the LIVS program, ensuring they are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to meet contemporary operational requirements.

The Mjolner system, developed by BAE Systems Hägglunds, is mounted on the CV90 infantry fighting vehicle platform. Known for its robust design and high mobility, the Mjolner mortar system is equipped with twin 120mm mortars, providing significant firepower and rapid response capabilities. The system can deliver high rates of fire, with the ability to fire up to 16 rounds per minute, making it highly effective in both offensive and defensive operations.

One of the key advantages of the Mjolner system is its ability to deliver accurate and sustained indirect fire support. The system’s advanced fire control system ensures precise targeting, while its automated loading mechanism allows for quick and efficient operation. These features make the Mjolner a valuable asset for the Dutch armed forces, enhancing their ability to conduct a wide range of missions.

In conclusion, the investment into the Dutch army’s operational capabilities and assets marks a significant step on the road to modernization and strengthening of its forces.