Norway buys more Heckler & Koch HK416
According to the Norwegian Defense their Defense Materiel Agency has signed a contract for the supply of new firearms.
Norway was the first nation to approve the Heckler & Koch HK416 for their Army and National Defense, and the new contract means they will buy an additional 11 000 HK416, of which approximately 7 000 are to the Home Guard.
You can find more information about the latest version of the HK416 here.
Apart from the HK416 the Norwegians also use the HK417 and the HK MP7, for instance.
– With the number of modern handguns the Armed Forces possess today, there are still parts of the structure that do not have handguns adapted to the tasks the departments will solve. By realizing this project, several departments can be armed more efficiently, and AG-3 (HK G3) as a personal weapon can be phased out by the Armed Forces, says Major and Development Officer, Johannes Hobæk at the Home Guard’s School and Competence Center.
– The Armed Forces need not maintain the skills of instructors and maintenance personnel on two different systems, and one does not have to use scarce training resources to retrain soldiers. Furthermore, the need for storage space for spare parts can be reduced. In total, this will result in reductions in operating costs, concludes Hobæk.The Armed Forces can thus gain more benefits in the form of increased operational ability, finances, logistics and expertise. A smaller type of weapon means fewer ammunition types, which means easier logistics and supply.
The project is to acquire complete weapons, so sights (most likely from Swedish Aimpoint) are also part of the delivery. The first delivery has already been received by Defense Materials.

Heckler & Koch supplies HK416 Assault Rifles to the Norwegian Armed Forces
Heckler & Koch has been entrusted by the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency with the Supply of HK416 Assault Rifle Sets for their Norwegian Armed Forces.The supply order will run over 36 months, beginning in 2019 and has an overall value of approximately 22 million Euro. The Norwegian Armed Forces was the first customer to adopt the HK416 in the year 2007.
The HK416 is a modern and highly modular assault rifle platform for law enforcement and military users. Depending on the requirements it can be tailored to the demand of the user concerned without having to make concessions regarding the strict specifications made on accuracy and handling safety.
Against the background of the political efforts aiming at the realisation of a European safety and defence politics Heckler & Koch has for decades equipped many European Armies with a standard assault rifle. The most prominent users are Germany (G36), France (HK416AIF), Norway (HK416), Spain (G36), Lithuania (G36), Latvia (G36) and the UK (SA80A2/A3). Added to these is a very large number of military and police commando units having adopted one or several weapon models made by Heckler & Koch.
Source: Heckler & Koch