Russia to Start Replacing RATNIK with SOTNIK in 2020

Russia to Start Replacing RATNIK with SOTNIK in 2020

The latest Russian equipment system called Ratnik has been in development and in use for several years. Russian military and defense companies have also been developing the components of next-generation equipment. Recently, TsNII TochMash announced that starting from 2020 they will start replacing the Ratnik with a third generation equipment system called Sotnik – which in English roughly translates to ‘Centurion’.

Back in December 2017, in an interview given to TASS news agency, Dmitriy Semizorov, the CEO of TsNII TochMash explained the designations of different generations of equipment. Russia’s first unified equipment was called Permyachka. The second generation equipment which is adopted and is being used right now is called Ratnik. Back then, Semizorov said that the third generation equipment that they were developing and planning to adopt by 2020, is called Ratnik-3. The “3” in Ratnik-3 doesn’t mean that it is the third Ratnik but means that it is the third generation equipment. There is no such thing as Ratnik-2. The second generation “Ratnik” has been mistakenly called Ratnik-2.

Apparently, what they did is renamed the Ratnik-3 to Sotnik. The reason I came to this conclusion is that the Ratnik-3 was scheduled within the same time frame, both are called third generation equipment and both include almost exactly the same features such as the mine-detecting boots, IR camouflage, UAVs, smart goggles,visors and adaptive camouflage, etc.

According to Sergei Chemezov, the CEO of Russian State Corporation Rostec, the Sotnik will replace the Ratnik by 2025. Chemezov also noted that thanks to the use of new advanced materials, the Sotnik will be 20% lighter – weighing 20 kilograms. It is not specified what equipment elements are included in that weight.

Sotnik is an old military rank of Slavic origin given to a leader of Sotnya, a unit consisting of 100 soldiers – a centurion. Ratnik is an old Russian word meaning warrior.


“Ростех в 2020 году приступит к созданию экипировки третьего поколения”. (2019, June 26). Rostec. Retrieved from:

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