DSEI 2021: Milrem Robotics Displays Mine Roller Equipped UGV
Robotics and autonomous systems manufacturer Milrem Robotics’ presence at Defence and Security Equipment International 2021 featured the Estonian company’s collaboration with other manufacturers, with their systems integrated onto the company’s THeMIS and Type X unmanned ground vehicles.

Milrem Robotics announced THeMIS collaborations with MSI-Defence Systems Limited (MSI-DSL), Hornet and Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.
Another collaboration on display was a Mark X Robotic Combat Vehicle equipped with a Pearson Defence Light Weight Mine Roller, with Pearson saying that the integration of the self protection mine roller is “just one example of the range of possibilities available for the future of unmanned vehicles on the battlefield”.

The Pearson Engineering Vehicle Integration Kit used to integrate the mine roller can also be used to integrate other engineering equipment onto the Mark X, including dozer blades, equipment for the clearance of surface laid mines and for assault gap crossing.

Engineering Director at Pearson Engineering, Jason Riby said that the deployment of robotic combat vehicles was still “a matter of discussion”, with a trend towards lighter, nimbler, and more multi-purpose vehicles capable of independently undertaking a variety of roles. He added:
“The fact remains, that these vehicles will need to move to places of their Commander’s choosing and in doing so, will need to defeat the wide range of natural and deliberate obstacles usually encountered on the battlefield. An RCV without protection may still be subject to enemy action, if not to injure soldiers, but to stop valuable assets in their tracks.”

“The Type-X is designed to be a wingman for manned IFV’s and MBT’s and it can have many different roles on the battlefield. Combining it with excellent protection and route proving technologies from Pearson Engineering will significantly increase the survivability of not only the Type-X, but also of manned units,” said Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics.” The future battlefield is about manned-unmanned teaming, and the task of the industry is to provide clever solutions for capability building”.