L3Harris Begins Production of F-Pano NVGs for USSOCOM and JSOC
L3Harris Technologies has announced that low rates initial production has begun on the new generation F-Pano night vision goggles under a contract to USSOCOM. The F-Pano or Fused Ground Panoramic Night Vision Goggle is an enhancement of the famous quad or GPNVG-18 that offers 97-degree field of vision and integration with a range of battlefield systems including the Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK).
The F-Pano features integrated fused infrared overlay and capability to process augmented reality inputs along with integration with ATAK Common Operating Picture. It will also allow ISR feeds to be transmitted to the goggles via the Intra Soldier Wireless Network. This latter capability is also shared by the ENVG-B (Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars) which is reportedly currently on-hold (along with the entire IVAS (Integrated Visual Augmentation System) after a scathing Pentagon Inspector General report earlier this year).

“The F-PANO is our most advanced mobility system, delivering an unmatched capability that enables our elite operators to asses and engage threats on the battlefield with greater speed and clarity,” said Lynn Bollengier, President, Integrated Vision Solutions, Communication Systems, L3Harris.
“The F-Pano also incorporates a high-resolution display and an embedded wireless personal area network that uses augmented reality algorithms to interface with the operator’s end user device. The complete system facilitates a hyper-enabled operator with the ability to interface with multiple sensors throughout the battlespace, providing enhanced interoperability and data sharing.”
Exact numbers of units are unknown under the $7.9 million USD low-rate production contract. The first production devices will be delivered by the end of the year with the initial deliveries likely to Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) units who were early adopters of the GPNVG-18. Operators have historically criticised the weight of the quad tube GPNVG-18 and complained of headaches – it is not known if the F-Pano has been specifically redesigned to address these issues.