Airbus H145M Live Fires Spike ER2 In Romania
Airbus has recently showcased their new H-145M helicopter integrated with the Spike ER2 anti-tank guided missile (ATGM). The presentation took place during “H-145M Firing Demo Days Romania” at the Cincu training grounds. The light helicopter, equipped with an HForce weapon system, was integrated with the Israeli-made medium-range ATGM system. The first firing tests reportedly took place in early Spring 2022, but now Airbus have begun public demonstrations.

The H145M conducting tests in Romania was also fitted with Airbus’ HForce and their Manned Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) system. The HForce offers a multi-purpose mission computer interchangeable from one helicopter to another and a large choice of weapons (air-to-air, air-to-ground, ballistic, or guided) to comply with any operational need, while MUM-T allows helicopter crew to control drones and other unmanned systems for a variety of purposes and needs.

According to the Rafael Spike ER2 was integrated into the HForce level 3 system due to a large interest sparking from states already possessing this missile system in their inventory. The ER2 version of Spike launched from the H145M platform can hit targets at ranges as far as 16 kilometers and thanks to the radio control option, the missile has no-line-of-sight (NLOS) capabilities. Rafael analysis, however, suggests that the use of heavier Spike NLOS would be less effective, with the H145M currently able to carry up to 8 Spike ER2. Thanks to its small sizes and signature, H145M can easily use the advantage of the terrain to attack enemy targets from concealment.
H145M equipped with Spike ER2 delivers a very capable and lethal anti-tank platform for a multitude of potential customers. Further tests will be concluded later in the year, while Airbus awaits the certification and full integration of Spike missiles into the HForce system.