BAE Systems Announces Team For The UK Future Artillery Programme
BAE Systems, Babcock and Rhinemetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL) are to partner up to offer the ARCHER wheeled mobile artillery system to the UK Ministry of Defence as a potential replacement for the AS90. The AS90 has been in British service since the early 1990s. John Borton, Managing Director of BAE Systems Weapon Systems UK said this on the ARCHER:
‘The ARCHER, already in service with the British Army as its interim solution, is one of the most advanced, fielded artillery systems in the world today. Working with our strategic partners in the UK, we believe that an ARCHER-based solution would allow the British Army to significantly accelerate the delivery of the Mobile Fires Platform programme. Our aim is to deliver a long-term homegrown artillery solution for the UK, which will safeguard, sustain and grow a critical, specialised British industrial capability and an opportunity for exports.’
The ARCHER offers a proven advanced technology system and could provide the British Military with a low risk option for a new Mobiles Fires Platform as the UK tries to find a modern solution to its 155mm artillery capability. With the joint offer being able to offer the three companies pre-established supply chains as well as a plan to work along side UK business if ARCHER is adopted by the Ministry of Defence.
As part of the offer BAE Systems would provide the barrel, gun control system and assembly and integration of ARCHER. Babcock International Group will be responsible for the superstructure, ammunition supply Systems and use its manufacturing and maintenance capabilities for the delivery of ARCHER. RBSL will provide the RMMV HX 8×8 truck chassis and the cabin for the artillery system.
Chris Spicer, Managing Director of Engineering & Systems Integration at Babcock, said this on the deal:
‘In line with the MoD’s Land Industrial Strategy, Babcock is pleased to be working with BAE Systems to bring to the UK and the British Army this market-leading capability. Our skilled teams and facilities in the South-West and West Midlands will deliver important elements of the engineering expertise, system integration and innovative technology required for system assembly that will enable the ARCHER Artillery Alliance to provide the British Army with this exciting capability.’
The three companies make up the ARCHER Artillery Alliance, providing a large number of new jobs within UK manufacturing industries if selected. BAE Systems being able to being their experience of delivering ARCHER to the Swedish armed forces. It is estimated that the selection of ARCHER could create more then 350 new jobs.

ARCHER is a fully automated system that is designed for rapid deployment into the battle space. Being able to move and fire in just 20 seconds, then move again in under 2 minutes. As well as providing its crew with a fully armoured cabin for protection. BAE calls ARCHER the ultimate shoot-and-scoot system. The AS90 it could replace has been in service since 1992 and is a tracked self-propelled gun and has a five man crew over ARCHER’s four man crew. ARCHER is currently used by the Swedish, Ukrainian and Norwegian armed forces. The UK selected ARCHER as an interim artillery system in March 2023, with the first 14 being delivered into the UK in October 2023.