Romania To Procure $19.7 Million Worth of Vector Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) From Quantum Systems
The Romanian Ministry of Defense is continuing to modernize its air force in accordance with the Romanian Armed Forces’ 2040 transformation program objectives. In this context, the Bucharest government, which had previously ordered second-hand F-16 aircraft from Denmark, Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicles from Turkey, and Watchkeeper X unmanned aerial vehicles from Israel, has signed a contract to procure Vector unmanned aerial systems (UAS) from Germany-based Quantum Systems.

The 18.4 million Euro ($19.7 million) contract, which will significantly increase the day and night reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities of the Romanian Armed Forces in the face of the uncertain security situation in the Black Sea region, was signed on May 14, 2024. According to the manufacturer, the contract is expected to be completed in three years, but it is unclear how many unmanned systems are covered. However, given that one of these drones costs 180 thousand Euros, it is reasonable to expect Romania to purchase nearly 100 of them.
In a statement about the agreement, Quantum-Systems Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Sven Kruck said, “We are proud to be selected by the Romanian Ministry of Defence to provide our advanced Vector UAS to the Romanian Armed Forces. Our collaboration with Romania marks a significant milestone in our mission to support global defence initiatives with reliable and efficient unmanned aerial solutions,”
Vector is an electrically powered, propeller-driven unmanned aerial vehicle with a length of 1.63 meters and a wingspan of 2.8 meters, capable of performing vertical take-off and a wide range of ISR and security missions. The system, which can be deployed and operational in three minutes by a few soldiers, can fly for up to 180 minutes with intelligent cruise speed control of 15 to 20 meters per second, even in adverse weather conditions such as wind, heat, dust, and rain. Mesh IP encrypted data links can transmit real-time video to multiple ground control stations over a distance of up to 35 kilometers. Furthermore, it’s extremely low noise emissions make it ideal for covert surveillance operations.