Category: Australian Army
Air Force , Army , Australia , Australian Army , France , French Army , French Navy , Ground Vehicles , India , Indonesia , Naval , News , Politics , RAAF , South Korea , Submarine , Training , USA
France could become Australia’s closest defense partner after the United States if recently discussed proposals go through. Australian media has reported that negotiations have begun on upgrading the Status of… Continue reading "Australia Expands Defense Cooperation with International Partners Following Series of Talks and Agreements"
4 years ago
AFV , Australia , Australian Army , Equipment , Ground Vehicles , New Zealand , News
Thales Australia has cut the first steel for New Zealand’s new fleet of Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles (PMV) at its factory in the Australian State of Victoria. New Zealand ordered… Continue reading "Thales Australia Cuts Steel for New Zealand’s new Bushmasters"
4 years ago
Australia , Australian Army , Aviation , Breaking News , Helicopter , News , Tactical Airlift
Australia’s troubled fleet of NH-90 helicopters, locally designated the MRH90, are slowly coming back into service after being grounded last month over safety concerns. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) first… Continue reading "Australia’s NH-90s Begin Return to Flight After Latest Grounding Incident"
4 years ago
Army , Australian Army , Aviation , Daily News , Helicopter , News , USA
The Australian Army received two new CH-47F “Chinooks” from the United States today. A United States Air Force (USAF) C-5M “Galaxy” delivered the two aircraft to RAAF Base Townsville, where… Continue reading "Australian Army Receives First of Four New CH-47F Chinooks"
4 years ago
Australia , Australian Army , Aviation , Daily News , Helicopter , USA
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress yesterday of the State Department’s approval of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia of 29 AH-64E Apache Guardian attack helicopters and associated… Continue reading "Australia Receives State Department Approval For AH-64E Purchase"
4 years ago
Air Force , Anti-Air , Army , Australia , Australian Army , Aviation , British Army , China , Conflict , Daily News , Defense , Equipment , European Union , Fighter , Helicopter , India , Israel , Missiles , NATO , Naval , News , Ordnance , Poland , RAAF , SOCOM , Special Forces , Tactical Airlift , Technology , Turkey , UK , Ukraine , USA
This week was very busy at Overt Defense. We covered a range of topics, ranging from the conflict in Israel to new technology developments including the palletization of JASSMs and… Continue reading "Weekend Briefing (17-21 May)"
4 years ago
AFV , Air Force , Army , Australia , Australian Army , Aviation , Countries , Daily News , Drone , Ground Vehicles , Helicopter , News , RAAF , Tanks , USA
The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has publically announced the confirmation that the US State Department has approved the export of a package of armoured platforms destined for the… Continue reading "Australia Buying M1A2 SEPv3 Tanks, new Drones and Chinooks"
4 years ago
Air Force , Aircraft Carrier , Army , Australia , Australian Army , Aviation , Brazil , C4ISP , China , Conflict , Defense , Fighter , India , Iran , Japan , Multi-Role , Naval , News , Ordnance , Politics , Submarine , Technology , Training , Turkey , USA
This week brought us more interesting military affairs news from around the World. The hunt for Indonesia’s lost submarine, the Nanggala, came to a tragic conclusion, French troops will train… Continue reading "Weekend Briefing (26-30 April)"
4 years ago
Australia , Australian Army , China , Daily News , Defense , PLA Navy , Politics , RAAF , Training , USA , USMC
Speaking on Wednesday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison revealed that over the next four years, the country will spend an additional A$747 million or $580 million USD on defense. The… Continue reading "Australia Announces Another $580 Million for Defense"
4 years ago
Afghanistan , Army , Australia , Australian Army , British Army , Bundeswehr , Conflict , Counter Terrorism , Daily News , Defense , Germany , History , NATO , News , Politics , UK , USA , USMC
As the 11 September, 2021 deadline has finally been set for the US exit from Afghanistan and American allies are preparing to pull out as well, the future of Afghan… Continue reading "Afghanistan Pullback Sparks Concern Over Future of Afghan Interpreters"
4 years ago
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