Category: Shooting Accessories
Australia , Australian Army , Communications , Companies , Editorial , Equipment , Guns & Gear , Rifles , Shooting Accessories , Small Arms Light Weapons , Technology , TFBTV , Ukraine , USMC
One of the most interesting companies at AUSA 2024’s Australian Industry pavilion was Canberra-based Kord Defence. The company manufactures programmable push-button controllers which can be attached to rifles. Soldiers can… Continue reading "AUSA 2024: Kord Defence Controllers Save Seconds in the Heat of Battle"
5 months ago
Army , Body Armor , Communications , Companies , Defense , Editorial , Equipment , Guns & Gear , Japan , NATO , Other Gear & Gadgets , Shooting Accessories , Technology , Training , USMC
Despite being one of the largest and best known defense companies in the world, at DSEI Japan 2023, Saab had only a modest stand when compared to companies like Lockheed… Continue reading "DSEI Japan 2023: A Look at Saab’s Cutting-Edge Live Training System"
2 years ago
Daily News , Defense , Pistols , Shooting Accessories
The Department of Defence has announced the award of a $50 million contract to ADS for the supply of holsters for the Army’s new Modular Handgun System. Atlantic Diving Supply… Continue reading "ADS Wins Army Contract for Modular Handgun Holsters"
7 years ago
Daily News , Defense , News , Other Gear & Gadgets , Rifles , Shooting Accessories
Recent media have highlighted the presence of Russian Special Operations forces in Syria, and particularly around the area of the highly contested battlefield of Palmyra. According to sources, the SF… Continue reading "Russian SF in Palmyra Highlighted"
8 years ago
Daily News , Defense , News , Other Gear & Gadgets , Rifles , Shooting Accessories , Training
Earlier on TFB we reported on the South Korean Military’s insistence on picking up every single brass cartridge fired while conducting live fire training. Soon after, we received an Indian reader… Continue reading "Indian Military’s Improvised Brass-Catchers"
8 years ago
Defense , Other Gear & Gadgets , Rifles , Shooting Accessories , Training
An odd product that has appeared on Republic of Korea (ROK) Army K1A and K2 rifles in recent years is this brass catcher. Outside of a few dedicated reloaders in… Continue reading "ROK Military’s Obsession with Brass Collecting"
8 years ago