Category: Artificial Intelligence
Army , Army , Artificial Intelligence , Daily News , Ground Vehicles , IFV , Technology , USA
Raytheon, one of the members of American Rheinmetall Vehicles’ Team Lynx, has unveiled its concept for the integration of artificial intelligence and digital design into the team’s contender for the… Continue reading "Raytheon Debuts OMFV Lynx Artificial Intelligence And Digital Design Concepts"
4 years ago
Artificial Intelligence , Aviation , Daily News , Defense , Drone , Naval , Navy , News , Technology , Unmanned , USA , USMC
Autonomous technology is increasingly becoming an indispensable element of modern war. More numerous and advanced systems are increasingly making their way into not just the arsenals of major powers but… Continue reading "US Navy Reveals Unmanned Campaign Framework"
4 years ago
Artificial Intelligence , Communications , Daily News , Defense , Equipment , Guns & Gear , Other Gear & Gadgets , Technology , Training , USA
DARPA is moving to integrate new and upcoming virtual systems and technologies into the toolbelt of the modern warfighter as soon as possible. Among these is a sort of assistant… Continue reading "DARPA Planning to Develop Virtual Assistants"
4 years ago
Air Force , Army , Artificial Intelligence , China , Daily News , Defense , Naval , Navy , Politics , Space Force , Technology , Training , USA , USMC
Speaking at a virtual event being held by the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association, US Admiral Philip S. Davidson laid out a vision for military and wider geopolitical success… Continue reading "US Admiral Philip Davidson Lays Out Indo-Pacific Vision"
4 years ago
Air Force , Artificial Intelligence , Aviation , Breaking News , Drone , Technology
Boeing Australia announced today that the Australian government has agreed to co-develop an additional three Loyal Wingman unmanned aerial vehicles. The deal increases the Royal Australian Air Force’s order of… Continue reading "Australia Signs For Three More Boeing Loyal Wingmen Following First Flight"
4 years ago
Artificial Intelligence , Daily News , Defense , News , Other Gear & Gadgets , Technology , USA
Between July and October 2020, DARPA worked with the Department of Defense’s Defense Digital Service on a program known as “Finding Exploits to Thwart Tampering (FETT) Bug Bounty”. Over its… Continue reading "DARPA Announces Results of FETT Bug Bounty Program and TRADES program"
4 years ago
Army , Artificial Intelligence , Artillery , Communications , Companies , Daily News , Defense , Equipment , European Union , Israel , NATO , News , Optics , Other Gear & Gadgets , Technology , UK
Elbit Systems new HattoriX fire support system has recently completed a series of demonstrations for eight Western European countries. Operational with the Israeli Defense Force since 2019, HattoriX is a… Continue reading "HattoriX Next Generation Target Acquisition System Demonstrated to Multiple European Militaries"
4 years ago
Artificial Intelligence , Companies , Daily News , Defense , Ground Vehicles , News , Technology , UGV
At Overt Defense we have covered a multitude of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and Robotic Combat Vehicles (RCV) that are gradually being adopted for various roles by militaries around the… Continue reading "Milrem Robotics New Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle Moves Drones Into the Heavyweight Division"
4 years ago
Air Force , Artificial Intelligence , Aviation , Daily News , Drone , Japan , News , Technology
The Japanese Ministry of Defense has begun carrying out research into development of unmanned combat aircraft that will serve as a complement to the F-X fighter currently in development. Nikkei… Continue reading "Japan Commences Development Program For Fighter Loyal Wingmen"
4 years ago
Air Force , Air Force , Artificial Intelligence , Aviation , Breaking News , Daily News , News , Technology , USA
The US Air Force announced yesterday that an artificial intelligence (AI) had flown as a working crew member on a U-2 for the first time on 15th December. The announcement… Continue reading "U-2 Dragon Lady Takes On AI ‘Crew Member’ In US Air Force First"
4 years ago
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