Search Results for: Australia
AFV , British Army , Companies , Daily News , Defense , Ground Vehicles , NATO , News , UK
Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL) has been awarded the contract to manufacture 260 Boxer 8×8 Mechanized Infantry Vehicles (MIV) for the British Army. The vehicles are the first of an… Continue reading "British Army Awards RBSL £860 Million Contract for Boxers"
4 years ago
Army , Breaking News , Daily News , News , Politics
The Prosecutor General’s Office of Azerbaijan announced on 21st November, that it has initiated an investigation of videos showing torture of captured Armenian servicemen by Azerbaijani personnel, as well as… Continue reading "Azerbaijani Prosecutor General’s Office Opens Investigation Into Azerbaijani War Crime Videos"
4 years ago
Air Force , Army , Army , Australia , Australian Army , British Army , Bundeswehr , China , Daily News , Defense , France , French Army , French Navy , Germany , India , Japan , NATO , News , PLA , PLA Navy , Poland , Politics , RAAF , RAF , Royal Navy , South Korea , UK , USA
Reminding readers that the views of the authors do not always necessarily represent the official US government position at the beginning of each publication, the US Army’s War College’s Strategic… Continue reading "US Publishes New Assessment of Allied Military Capabilities"
4 years ago
Air Force , Air Force , Artificial Intelligence , Aviation , Companies , Daily News , Defense , Drone , Fighter , Ground Attack , Multi-Role , News , Technology , USA
BAE Systems is the latest company to be selected to develop an ‘attritable’ air vehicle systems for the U.S. Air Force (USAF) as part of that service’s Skyborg Vanguard program.… Continue reading "BAE Now Part of USAF Skyborg Vanguard Expendable Combat Drone Program"
4 years ago
Army , Army , Australia , Australian Army , Companies , Daily News , Defense , Ground Vehicles , IFV , News , USA
Under a new joint venture, Textron Systems and Raytheon Technologies are joining forces with Rheinmetall Defense subsidiary American Rheinmetall Vehicles to offer the KF41 Lynx for the US Army’s long… Continue reading "Rheinmetall KF41 Lynx (Re)Joins Competition for US Army OMFV"
4 years ago
Counter Terrorism , Daily News , Defense , Germany , History , News , Norway , UK , USA
European far-right groups are on the rise again as the number of disrupted acts of terror increases. According to the MI5 Chief, Ken McCallum, since 2017 nearly 30% of disrupted… Continue reading "MI5 Reports Disrupting Significant Numbers of Far-Right Terror Plots"
4 years ago
Army , Australia , Australian Army , Aviation , Breaking News , Counter Terrorism , Daily News , Defense , Helicopter , News , Special Forces
Rumours within the Australian Defence Force (ADF) indicate that the MRH-90 Taipan multi-role helicopter will be replaced with a new airframe under a programme known as Plan Corella. The MRH-90… Continue reading "ADF MRH-90 Taipan To Be Retired, MH-60 To Be Adopted?"
4 years ago
Aircraft Carrier , Army , Australia , Australian Army , Aviation , Daily News , Defense , Helicopter , Naval , News
Australia’s Sky News has reported that, according to sources with the Defence Department, Australia will adopt the AH-64E Guardian Apache to fulfil its LAND 4503 requirement for a new armed… Continue reading "Media Leak Suggests ADF Apache Adoption"
4 years ago
Air Force , Artificial Intelligence , Australia , C4ISP , C4ISR , Companies , Daily News , Defense , News , RAAF , Technology
A new and innovative project payload for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has been successfully launched to the edge of space from what was the first commercial rocket launch… Continue reading "RAAF Launches Its First Space Payload Domestically As Part of Cutting Edge “Project Jericho”"
4 years ago
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