Search Results for: china
China , Conflict , Editorial , History , Politics , Taiwan , United Nations , USA
The island nation in the East China Sea is the focal point of international discord and has the potential to become a conflict flash point between the world’s two biggest… Continue reading "This Decade May Seal the Fate of Taiwan"
4 years ago
Army , China , Daily News , Defense , History , India , PLA , Politics , United Nations
Sharing a border with both India and China and caught amidst their territorial dispute, Nepal is reforming its army organization. The force of nearly 100,000 has hence been organized into… Continue reading "Nepal Reforming Military"
4 years ago
Air Force , Air Force , Aviation , C4ISR , China , Companies , Daily News , Drone , Espionage , Japan , Navy , Politics , Technology , USA
A number of top Japanese companies have announced their decision to stop relying on Chinese drones due to security concerns. Chinese drones may send back sensitive data to their manufacturers… Continue reading "Japanese Companies Seek Alternatives to Chinese Drones; New US Drone Deployment to Japan"
4 years ago
Daily News , European Union , Naval , Politics , Syria , Turkey
Near the end of April, the European Commission revealed plans to expand the mandate of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, or Frontex. The EU has been struggling with… Continue reading "EU Moves to Grant Border Control Agency Frontex Greater Power"
4 years ago
Air Force , Army , Aviation , China , Conflict , Defense , European Union , France , Ground Vehicles , Guns & Gear , Helicopter , Italy , Japan , Missiles , Multi-Role , NATO , Navy , News , Poland , Politics , Russia , South Korea , Space Force , Special Forces , Technology , Turkey , UK , USA , USMC
This week at Overt Defense we took a closer look at the Mi-35 downed in Burma, the shocking testimony of ex-Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher and trials of new supersonic cruise… Continue reading "Weekend Briefing (3-7 May)"
4 years ago
Aircraft Carrier , China , Daily News , Defense , India , NATO , Naval , Navy , PLA Navy , Politics , Russia , Submarine , USA
In late April, US AFRICOM commander General Stephen Townsend warned congress and the public about the dangers of ignoring Africa. As American troops withdraw and US Army Africa merges with… Continue reading "Chinese Bases May Soon Appear on the Atlantic Coast"
4 years ago
Air Force , Aviation , Companies , Daily News , Drone , Missiles , Trainers & Simulation , Turkey
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has begun converting the Simsek Training System into a Loitering Munition System, alternatively known as kamikaze or suicide drones, Temel Kotil, head of TAI revealed in… Continue reading "Turkey to Use Target Practice UAVs as “Kamikaze Drones”"
4 years ago
Air Force , Anti-Air , Aviation , Breaking News , Conflict , Daily News , Helicopter , Missiles
The Kachin Independence Army claimed today that it had shot down a Mi-35 attack helicopter of the Myanmar Air Force during heavy fighting in the north of the country. Colonel… Continue reading "Kachin Independence Army Claims Downing Of Tatmadaw Mi-35 Attack Helicopter"
4 years ago
Air Force , Aircraft Carrier , Army , Australia , Australian Army , Aviation , Brazil , C4ISP , China , Conflict , Defense , Fighter , India , Iran , Japan , Multi-Role , Naval , News , Ordnance , Politics , Submarine , Technology , Training , Turkey , USA
This week brought us more interesting military affairs news from around the World. The hunt for Indonesia’s lost submarine, the Nanggala, came to a tragic conclusion, French troops will train… Continue reading "Weekend Briefing (26-30 April)"
4 years ago
Conflict , Counter Terrorism , Daily News , News , Politics , USA
The President of Nigeria has requested that the US government consider relocation of US Africa Command headquarters to Africa. President Muhammadu Buhari made the suggestion during a virtual meeting with… Continue reading "Nigerian President Calls For USAFRICOM To Consider Relocating To Africa"
4 years ago
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