Tag: Department of Defense
Afghanistan , Air Force , Army , Aviation , Conflict , Germany , NATO , Navy , News , Politics , Tactical Airlift , USA , USMC
In a press briefing held on 17 August, the Pentagon announced that it has 4,000 troops on the ground and is working towards the capacity to transport 5,000 to 9,000… Continue reading "Pentagon Believes it Could Evacuate Up to 9,000 From Afghanistan Daily"
4 years ago
News , USA
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced on Monday that the Pentagon plans to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for all military personnel by the middle of September. In a message to… Continue reading "Pentagon: COVID-19 Vaccine Required By Mid-September"
4 years ago
Afghanistan , Conflict , Daily News , NATO , News , Politics , USA
In a 19 July press conference, Pentagon Spokesperson John Kirby announced that Fort Lee, Virginia has been selected as the first location to receive Afghan refugees. The decision came after… Continue reading "Fort Lee Virginia Announced as First Stop for Afghan Refugees"
4 years ago
Missiles , Naval , Navy , News , Ordnance , Technology , USA
The US Navy’s long and fascinating effort to develop an electromagnetic railgun has come to a sudden halt as the US Department of Defense has decided to focus on developing… Continue reading "US Navy Drops Rail Guns For Hypersonic Missiles"
4 years ago
Breaking News , News , Technology , USA
The Department of Defence announced today that it had cancelled solicitations for the $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) Cloud, and has “initiated contract termination procedures”. Alongside the cancellation… Continue reading "Pentagon Axes JEDI Contract, To Recompete Cloud Efforts"
4 years ago
Air Force , Army , China , Daily News , Electronic Warfare , Iran , NATO , North Korea , Politics , Russia , Technology , USA
Following the initial reveal of Biden’s proposed $715 billion FY2022 defense budget, congressional hearings quickly got underway. On 8 June, the Senate Armed Services Committee presided over a hearing concerning… Continue reading "What the DoD is Highlighting in the Congressional Budget Hearings"
4 years ago
Air Force , Army , Aviation , Coast Guard , Daily News , Defense , Equipment , Fighter , Multi-Role , Naval , Navy , Politics , Space Force , Surface Combatant , Technology , USA , USMC
Following a series of projects that went grossly overbudget, most notably the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the Zumwalt class destroyers, acquisitions by the US Department of Defense (DoD) has… Continue reading "US Department of Defense Claims Progress on Acquisition Reform"
4 years ago
C4ISP , C4ISR , Companies , Daily News , Politics , Technology , USA
The $10 billion US Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract ranks among the most legally messy in recent memory. Initially, Amazon was considered to be the… Continue reading "Court Upholds Legal Challenge to DoD JEDI Contract"
4 years ago
Daily News , Defense , News , Politics , USA
The US Government Accountability Office (GAO), whose mission statement is to “provide Congress, the heads of executive agencies, and the public with timely, fact-based, non-partisan information that can be used… Continue reading "US Government Accountability Office Identifies Ways to Improve DoD Business Operations."
4 years ago
Army , Army , Daily News , Defense , Navy , News , Politics , Russia , Training , USA
The US Army has released the unclassified version of a document titled “Regaining Arctic Dominance: The U.S. Army in the Arctic”. The army is thus following in the footsteps of… Continue reading "US Army Releases New Strategy For the Arctic"
4 years ago
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