Tag: Israeli Aerospace Industries
Anti-Air , India , Israel , Missiles , News , Ordnance
India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) conducted two launches each of the Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM) Army version on March 27 and March 30. The tests… Continue reading "India Completes Development Trials of MRSAM For Army"
3 years ago
Air Force , Army , Aviation , Defense , Ground Vehicles , NATO , Naval , News , Ordnance , Peacekeeping , Politics , Ukraine
Welcome to Overt Defense’s Weekend Briefing where we round up the week’s most interesting and important defense news. We continue to deliver more fascinating news from around the World regarding… Continue reading "Weekend Briefing (14-18 February)"
3 years ago
Daily News , Israel , Missiles , News , Ordnance
Israel Aerospace Industries announced on Monday that it has begun the customer fulfillment process of its Barak Extended Range surface-to-air missile, following the successful completion of a series of trials… Continue reading "IAI Begins Barak ER Customer Deliveries After Successful Trials"
4 years ago
Daily News , Israel , Missiles , News
Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Singapore Technologies Engineering (STE) have announced that they will be forming a joint venture for the marketing of naval missile systems. Based in Singapore, the… Continue reading "Proteus Founded by Israel and Singapore to Co-produce Advanced Missile"
5 years ago