Tag: United States Air Force
News, Syria, Turkey, USA
A Turkish drone was shot down over north eastern Syria on Thursday, amidst a Turkish campaign of drone airstrikes in the region in retaliation for a Sunday bombing in Ankara… Continue reading "U.S. F-16 Shoots Down Turkish Drone Over North Eastern Syria"
Air Force, Air Force, Australia, Aviation, News, RAAF, USA
A United States Air Force “Squadron Operations Facility” will be constructed at Royal Australian Air Force Base Tindal, in Darwin, Australia. The facility will be used for “mission planning, intelligence,… Continue reading "United States Air Force to build “Squadron Operations Facility” in Northern Australia"
Air Force, Aviation, Breaking News, Countries, Fighter, News, USA
The United States Air Force launched its selection process for its Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighter on May 18, releasing a classified solicitation to industry for an engineering and… Continue reading "US Air Force Launches Next Generation Air Dominance Fighter Selection Process"
Air Force, Missiles, News, Ordnance, Technology, USA
The United States Air Force’s top acquisition official has said that the Air Force will end its AGM-183 Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon program after test flights of the last two… Continue reading "The US Air Force’s ARRW Hypersonic Weapon Won’t Proceed Past Testing"
Air Force, Aviation, Bomber, Missiles, News, Ordnance, USA
The United States Air Force has announced that its AGM-183 Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon conducted a successful test flight on December 9. The test was the first time the prototype… Continue reading "ARRW Hypersonic Missile Passes First Operationally Configured Flight Test"
Air Force, Air Force, Aviation, News, Tanker, USA
The commander of the United States Air Force’s Air Mobility Command announced on 19 September that it had cleared the KC-46A Pegasus tanker for worldwide operations, including combat operations. At… Continue reading "USAF Greenlights KC-46 Tanker Aircraft For All Operations"
Air Force, Air Force, Australia, Missiles, News, Ordnance, Technology, USA
The United States Air Force announced Thursday that it had awarded Raytheon Missiles and Defense a $985.3 million cost-plus-fixed fee contract to develop the Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile. The HACM… Continue reading "Raytheon Awarded Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile Development Contract"
Air Force, Air Force, Aviation, Fighter, Missiles, Multi-Role, News, USA
The United States Air Force revealed on July 7, that the Air National Guard had conducted a test launch of an AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) from a “pre-block”… Continue reading "Air National Guard Performs First JASSM Test Launch From “Pre-Block” F-16"
Air Force, Air Force, Breaking News, Missiles, News, USA
The United States Air Force announced on Wednesday that it had conducted a second successful booster flight test of its hypersonic AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW). During the July… Continue reading "US Air Force Conducts Second Successful Hypersonic ARRW Booster Test"
Air Force, Aviation, News, USA
The Biden administration has decided to keep Air Force One’s current paint scheme for its future replacement, with the paint scheme proposed by former President Donald Trump scrapped due to… Continue reading "Report: New Air Force One Will Retain Current Paint Scheme"